LearnSpanishAbroad is a free service available to all prospective students.
LearnSpanishAbroad.org is a nonprofit website that offers practical advice to help you make the right decision when choosing a study abroad program. We are only successful because our students are! This website will not only save you money but also time with it's basic structure and Spanish instruction links to help you evaluate your level of fluency and what type of program would be best for you.
LearnSpanishAbroad is an index of Spanish language schools throughout Latin America.
The success of our program lies in the research of reputable schools all across Latin America, from the picturesque volcanoes of Costa Rica to the large Amazonian rainforests of Venezuela. Take your time while navigating this site to discover all that the Spanish language immersion programs have to offer. You will find that there is in-depth information on how to choose the right school for your needs and the different countries in Latin American that offer programs, as well as details and contacts for different schools listed on this site. Not only will this experience enhance your Spanish speaking skills, but also it will change your life for the better. You can compare the costs, living arangements, length of time, and quality of each program through this easy to read format. You can browse through pictures to get a better idea of where you are going as well.
LearnSpanishAbroad serves as a travel guide throughout Latin America.
Our website offers information not only only the schools in Latin America, but also the countries where they are located. The environment surrounding the school will help you to decide what area would be most ideal for you to stay in. Not only does this site provide information on the history and cities of each country where there are schools, but also informs you of what type of activities are available in the area.