Telephone: Country code: 593 Outgoing international code: 00.
Mobile telephone: AMPS network is operated by Telefonica, and AMPS-TDMA network is operated by Conecel. Alegro a GSM network was set up in 2003.
Internet: You can expect to find a cyber café almost in every corner of the country.
Telegram: These may be sent from the chief telegraph office in main towns.
Post: Airmail to Western Europe and the USA takes up to one week, but incoming deliveries are less certain.
Ecuador newspapers: Dailies are in Spanish and include Diario el Comercio and Diario Hoy published in Quito. El Telégrafo and El Universo are published in the city of Guayaquil.
There are two English-language newspapers (one of them is the Miami Herald) Inside Ecuador and Quito, though both are published irregularly. International newspapers and magazines are available at international airports, main post offices, hotels and in some bookshops.
Radio: International BBC World Service and Voice of America can be received. From time to time the frequencies change and the most up-to-date can be found online.